Look, I'm not doing this for you, but for my own dark and twisted reasons. Oh, and because everyone else is doing it.


July 15, 2004

everyone say hello to salicious - the brooklyn connection!

Just so everyone is clear, salicious is a friend of mine. In fact, she's practically my hero. Sal has been living the Sex in the City dream since before Sex in the City. Its just that she finally got a VERY glam job a couple years ago that she really enjoys (unless she's still at work 11:30 pm - and we all know that only complete masochists are into that) and this has cut into her normal Samanthaesque activities.

In any case, the salster usually has something quite salacious going on, which is much more than I can say for myself at present. Unless, I can convince Mr. January (the guy I went out with about 3 times in Jan and Feb who knocked my socks off but was way too busy to build any momentum with...) to give me another try. Maybe we should call him Maestro as he should be teaching a Master class on a certain sex act. God bless you Maestro - and give me a call, dammit! [sigh]

No, sadly, there have been no fireworks, and there's nothing sadder than dating someone for which you feel absolutely zero heat. Oh wait, there is something sadder: having to go dutch on a date with someone for which you feel absolutely zero heat.

More after work (I'm home right now - feeling a bit yucky...)