Look, I'm not doing this for you, but for my own dark and twisted reasons. Oh, and because everyone else is doing it.


January 10, 2005

now, where was I?

Oh yes. You can never have too many pairs of black pants, so I bought two pairs last night. However, you can have too many black sweaters. No, wait. That can't be right. Maybe you can have too many pairs of black underwear? I know that rule does not apply to shoes. Which is good since I have a gazillion pairs of black shoes.

Tonight, however, was all about the toys. I finally replaced my iPod Mini that was stolen back in early December - but I upgraded to the 20 gb version (many thanks to parents of whiskypants for the generous BestBuy Christmas giftcard that enabled this purchase). It is quietly charging and I am perusing the HP site for an interesting protective and printable cover. I'm vacillating between World Music 1 and World Music 4... If anyone knows of other downloadable tattoos, please advise.

I missed MoL's birthday celebration this weekend due to some sinus hell. Sorry 'bout that, MoL. I have a gift card with your name on it! I've had a sinus headache since Thursday night, and while the headache part has alleviated a bit, it is causing a muscle tension/pain in my shoulder. Oh, to have a free masseur at my disposal.

Oh, and the newscaster just informed me that weight loss in the elderly is a sign of dementia. There's gotta be a joke here about my hating to diet.