Look, I'm not doing this for you, but for my own dark and twisted reasons. Oh, and because everyone else is doing it.


April 19, 2006

80% of all women are wearing the wrong bra size

I'm drawing the title information directly from a bra shop's website, so it has to be true.

But seriously, I do see lots of women out there who are bouncing a little too much. I also see lots of backfat. I can see where men would not mind the first, but we all mind the latter. Well, I don't mind mine so much since I don't have to look directly at it.

Apparently, a properly fitted bra should not show one's backfat. As a result, I am all excitement about my trip to the Town Shop this weekend.

Don't expect blog posting to resume till next week when I have thoroughly recovered. Not just from the bra shopping. But from the drinking, shopping and manicuring. In the meantime, check out this old lingerie ad!